3 days away from NY港共龍舟節了

文章: 15783
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

3 days away from NY港共龍舟節了

文章 emily »

3 days away from NY港共龍舟節了
2023-08-09 10.31.06.jpg
2023-08-09 10.31.06.jpg (206.13 KiB) 已瀏覽 526 次
文章: 15783
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

Re: 3 days away from NY港共龍舟節了

文章 emily »

//Putting a reminder here if people can keep august 13 free to help hand out leaflets/protest at the flushing HK Dragon Boat festival, sponsored by the HK Economic and trade office. It will be an excellent opportunity to let people know what is happening in HK and let the HKETO organisers know that as the official representatives of the HK Gov in the US, thier soft diplomacy can not go unchallenged//

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