The 29 Principles

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The 29 Principles

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Vision and Mission

To uphold and protect lawyers' rights and their role in upholding the rule of law and human rights, in accordance with the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers.

To advocate and support compliance with international human rights standards of civil and political rights and freedoms, especially those China and Hong Kong have signed and/or ratified.

To ensure the independence of the legal profession and protection of lawyers’ professional functions without threats and harassment by the government.

To support the subsistence and sustenance of lawyers' causes and activities.


Your donation is invaluable and will help us carry out our programmes - connecting lawyers with mental health professionals, giving them emergency and legal aid grants, providing training workshops and advocating to the global community on their behalf.

The 29 Principles is a non-profit organisation based in the UK, we rely on your support to fund our vital work for human rights lawyers around the globe.

Currently, we have 2 donating methods available: for regular donation for one time donation

We sincerely thank you for your support!
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