【《時代革命》6.1 全球網上公映!】

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註冊時間: 週日 6月 19, 2022 8:22 pm

【《時代革命》6.1 全球網上公映!】

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【《時代革命》6.1 全球網上公映!】
毋忘初衷,我們希望紀錄片走得更遠、接觸到更多更多人:《時代革命》已在世界最觸目的影展及頒獎禮備受肯定,隨後更於不同國家戲院公映及進行遍地開花式的社區放映。及後團隊仍不斷收到大量來自世界各地未有機會看到電影的觀眾查詢,希望有途徑看到電影,故團隊決定於2022年6月1日,將《時代革命》於網上平台 Vimeo 上架,讓全球觀眾都有機會看得到。屆時將會有「中英文字幕」及「英文字幕」兩種版本選擇,及後更會推出不同語言版本。希望大家能廣傳這個重要消息,繼續支持《時代革命》於不同國家的發行工作。
中英文字幕版 - https://vimeo.com/ondemand/revolutionofourtimes
英文字幕版 - https://vimeo.com/ondemand/revolutionofourtimeseng
[Revolution of Our Times June 1st Worldwide Online Release!]
It’s been 3 years since 2019, the team of “Revolution of Our Times” and the protesters in the film share the same belief in letting the world know about our struggle through the documentary, and to witness the determination and courage of the Hongkongers in the pursuit of democracy and freedom.
Never forget why we started this journey, we hope the documentary will travel far, and reach out to more people. “Revolution of Our Times” has been recognised by world-renowned film festivals and awards, it was then released in theaters in various countries and community screenings were held everywhere. The team has been receiving numerous enquiries from audiences around the world who still have not seen the film, the team therefore decided to release “Revolution of Our Times” on Vimeo, the online streaming platform, on the 1st June, 2022, so the world can finally have the chance to see it . There will be two versions to choose from, “Chinese and English subtitled” and “English only subtitled” versions, more versions in other languages will be available in the future. Please spread this important news and continue supporting the distribution of “Revolution of Our Times” in different countries.
Pre-order links:
English only subtitled version - https://vimeo.com/ondemand/revolutionofourtimeseng
Chinese and English subtitled version - https://vimeo.com/ondemand/revolutionofourtimes
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