📣 芝加哥香港人社區中心三月活動

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註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am

📣 芝加哥香港人社區中心三月活動

文章 emily »

📣 芝加哥香港人社區中心三月活動

3/16 (六) 1:30pm @ 3520 S Morgan St
報名 👉🏻 bit.ly/chkcc-mar2024

🌎 今次邀請到Neilson Hsueh,MeltingPot Immigration Consulting 同我哋分享佢喺移民知識. Neilson 係一名退休嘅移民官員,擁有30年嘅經驗.
🏥我哋仲邀請埋Joey 同我哋解釋醫療保險、退休金等福利,歡迎攜帶公司章程,主講人可以協助解答你嘅疑問. Joey 係從事人事管理,唔係保險或相關產業推銷員.

🐰 當家長們參加研討會時,小朋友可以睇廣東話卡通片和玩桌遊

就算唔參加活動,都歡迎嚟吹水/ 玩桌遊 、食吓 雞蛋仔, 飲吓檸茶。到時見啦👋🏻
Neilson Hsueh,MeltingPot Immigration Consulting will share his knowledge of immigration with us. He is a retired immigration officer, who has 30 years experience in the field.

Joey will provide her professional advice about medical insurance, pension and other benefits. Feel free to bring the articles of association. She will help to answer your questions. Joey is a HR professional, not an insurance or related industry salesman.

While parents are attending the workshops, kids can watch Cantonese cartoons.

Please come to play board games, chat , have HK style waffle & lemon drinks. Simply come to have fun!!
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2024-03-06 08.37.18.jpg (239.89 KiB) 已瀏覽 304 次
