
文章: 15661
註冊時間: 週五 6月 24, 2022 7:01 am


文章 emily »

🥳 "連儂旗 --- 一起許願"(2023)
這張連儂旗 ,又或者可以叫連儂被(約2米×1.7米),係由一班雪埠嘅香港人開始,後來仲有舊金山嘅香港人、雪埠嘅其他社區團體同義工加入,一齊織成嘅。而家作品, 掛咗喺雪埠嘅Broomhill library外面,各位街坊經過,都可以去欣賞打卡。
我哋嚟緊仲會喺12月16日中午,喺圖書館舉辦一個茶聚分享會,歡迎各位蒞臨,嘆茶、睇作品同吹水。當日朝早10:30 開始 仲有 Broomhilll 執垃圾行動,歡迎加入! 🥳

🥳 “Lennon Flag —— Collective Wish-Making” (2023)
This Lennon Flag/Quilt is made by a group of Hongkongers in Sheffield & San Francisco, with members of Oasis Community Space & volunteers at Broomhill Community Library.
Lennon wall, named after John Lennon, emerged in Prague in the late 1980s and Hong Kong in 2014, for people to express their will for peace and freedom. The current “Lennon Flag” further develops the Lennon spirit that calls for peace and freedom beyond national boundaries.

We will have a tea party gathering on 16 Dec noon at Broomhilll Library to celebrate the formation of this community art piece. Also, Broomhill Litter Pick will begin at 10:30am before the party on the day! Welcome to join us to keep our community beautiful and enjoy tea & snack after!! 🥳

Thanks to the support of Roots and Future (at U of Sheffield) all along! 😇

#LennonWall #LennonFlag #hongkongaddoil #broomhilllibrary #communityarts #sheffield #hongkong

Broomhill Community Library Artual Club

