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從六四到香港 Between Home and Homeland: A Personal Journey from Tiananmen to Hong Kong Dr. Rowena He 何䁱清教授

發表於 : 週三 5月 15, 2024 6:05 am
下周曰溫哥華粵語講座:35年來家國:從六四到香港 Between Home and Homeland: A Personal Journey from Tiananmen to Hong Kong Dr. Rowena He 何䁱清教授 former associate professor of CUHK. 前中大歷史系教授,May 18, 2024,2pm, Conducted in Cantonese 以粵語進行。報名(Registration):https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/87057135134 ... tdtcreator please help spread the word!